The Unfolding Kafka Festival encourages audiences of all ages to experience a new mode of French circus which combines sculptural art with circus juggling. The human body is fused with the tactile qualities of clay, the Earth’s organic material. The raw malleable substance moves with the body to present an eccentric amalgamation of performance and visual art. The several art forms join in a hybrid composition, a work on matter, a play with limits. L’Homme de boue is a solo performance that deals with the figure of the monster, to be understood as an individual who does not respond to norms: in a way, the true definition of a circus artist.
Creators : Nathan Israël and Luna Rousseau
Conception and interpretation : Nathan Israël, Laureate of the Prix d’Encouragement SACD for Juggling creativity.
Director, dramaturgy, staging and voice-off : Luna Rousseau
Text : Claude Louis-Combet
Original score : Théo Girard
Original lighting : Patrice Besombes
Thanks to Vincent Maire
Photography: Christophe Raynaud de Lage
ArtistLe Jardin des DélicesYear(2014, France/Circus) VenueMAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum / NOV 24 at 19:00 Sodsai Pantoomkomol Centre for Dramatic Arts, Chulalongkorn University/ NOV 27 at 19:30Urlhttp://www.cielejardindesdelices.com