Theater by 1 Watt
There he is, a man washing a window. In fact maybe he is washing his soul. And because he is completely involved, he soon feels totally free, on the edge of things and of the world, in perfect imbalance, and naturally connected with one of the biggest mysteries of the human condition: the feminine part.
Claude: Pierre Pilatte / Direction: Sophie Borthwick / Texts: Jean Cagnard
Soundtrack: Erwan Quintin / Costumes: Sharon Gilham / Production: Claire Joyaux
With the support of
SACD – Bourse « Auteurs d’Espace », DGCA/Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, CG du Gard, Région Languedoc Roussillon
« Be Claude » receive the support of Réseau en Scène and the network La Diagonale
The company 1Watt has the support of the Conseil Général du Gard
© Clément Puig
Artist1 WattYear2013 VenueGoethe-Institut Thailand and Rose Hotel Bangkok Url1watt.eu